Saturday, 24 March 2018

Keep on writing

Dear friends,

Sorry I haven't posted anything new these past couple of weeks but I've been hard at work finishing my upcoming novel Dalton's Embrace - The Miller Family Book 2.

It has been taking up a lot of my free time but I'll be back soon with new recipes and posts to keep you reading.

My novel Dalton's Embrace is scheduled for release in April 2018 so as soon as it is published, I will return to my weekly book with exciting new Italian recipes.

In he meantime, here is a little information about my upcoming novel.

I am excited to be writing to you about my upcoming book Dalton's Embrace, the  second novel in the Italian romance series The Miller Family, which is nearly ready for release. It is going through its final editing process and will be ready in April.

This novel explains, much like the other novels in the Italian romance series, the lives of its main characters as they battle the hardships of Italian life. As per tradition, this novel brings its characters in conflict with an Italian organized crime ring while they learn to survive and protect the people they love.

When the beautiful town of Vernazza in Cinque Terre, Italy was destroyed by flooding inLiam's Best, Book 1 of The Miller Family Series, the Miller family stepped in to help the townspeople rebuild the town. (*FREE on most platforms with the exception of Amazon's Kindle.)

Now in book two, the Miller's find out the hard way that Italy's organized crime rings will stop at nothing to protect areas where they receive income so when the Miller family take on the Italian organized crime ring, are they prepared to go to war with Italy's most notorious crime ring leaders?

Read this exciting sequel to the Miller Family Series and find out what happens to the characters who were introduced in the first book in the series.

All the best,

Grace Kagni

Sunday, 4 March 2018

Risotto with saffron and sausage

Grace Kagni’s Risotto with saffron and sausage

350g of Carnaroli rice
300 g of prosciutto sausage
1 large white onion
1 carrot
1 lt of broth
1 envelope of saffron powder
Half glass of white wine
50 g grana padano grated cheese
2 tablespoons of olive oil 
1 tablespoon of butter

Heat broth in saucepan. Pull skin off sausages. Chop onion and carrot fine and place in large skillet with olive oil. Cook until golden then add sausage. Stir for five minutes then add rice. Stir for a couple of minutes then add the wine and a little broth. When broth evaporates, add more a little at a time until rice is cooked. Add saffron and stir until saffron has blended with risotto. After adding grated cheese and butter, mix well before serving. Top with a sprinkle of cheese. 

Buon appetito!  

Time to connect

Hello friends, It’s been a while since I wrote on this blog. Apologies for the long absence. I’ve paused my writing and blogging due to care...