Thursday, 21 March 2019

90-day healthy diet challenge -- Day 1

Hi everyone,

I've started a 90-day healthy food diet and would love to hear what you eat. Today for lunch I had a cold spelt salad with corn, black olives, prawns, lettuce, and tomatoes. It was delicious and filled me up for quite a while. Below is a picture of the salad. Then I had a green tea with ginger and orange.
For dinner, I had chicken breast with spinach and a sprinkle of grated cheese. To finish off the evening, I'm having a green tea with turmeric and cinnamon.

Day one is over. Have a great evening.

COVID-19 The Italian Reading Space - Week 7 of lockdown

Dear friends, We're coming to the end of week 7 of lockdown in Italy and it's been another week of juggling teleworking with the h...