Monday, 29 January 2018

Monday morning blues

Okay, so here we are Monday morning and it’s a really slow start to the day. I’ve had my green tea and toast and am now enjoying my Italian cappuccino before walking into the office. I expect to find notes on my desk from my boss with the words URGENT everywhere. What could have happened over the weekend that entails my urgent attention on something first thing Monday morning. 
I drag my feet, not wanting to go to the office but I must face the inevitable. I wonder why I put up with it but then my two daughters, doggie and bills pop into my mind, forcing me to put up with it.
I fantasize about earning enough off of my writing to tell my boss where to stick it, but obviously I can’t so here we go. I move my feet to walk into the office and I hesitate, wanting to enjoy my cappuccino in peace a few minutes more.
I make the mistake of checking my work emails and see the words URGENT URGENT URGENT in the subject line from my boss.
Well, here we go ... I walk into my office and see a note on my desk. PLEASE SEE ME AS SOON AS YOU ARRIVE!
I barely have time to put my cappuccino down on my desk and take off my coat before I find my boss standing before me talking about the urgent matter I need to deal with before I sit down. Blah blah blah blah. Not even a good morning or how was your weekend.
If any managers are out there reading, remember that staff is not a doormat to clean your feet upon but people that deserve respect and appreciation when it should be given.
Thanks for reading.
Grace :)

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