Sunday, 7 January 2018

The Eternal City

I am first generation Italian born abroad and as many other immigrants, my family kept its Italian language and traditions. We visited family in Italy nearly every year and every time our vacation was over, we were sad to return home. Then when I was in my early twenties, I quit my job, sold my car, and moved to Rome, Italy for a year in search of adventure.

When I arrived, I was fascinated by what I saw. There was a feeling that I couldn’t describe but as I walked the streets of  the Eternal City, I studied the Romans as they would promenade in the afternoon and I found myself thinking about life. Life in Rome offered me what I felt I’d always missed growing up - the feeling of belonging to a culture so when my year was up, I decided to stay longer.

I had met someone whom I was sure I would spend the rest of my life. It was love and I found myself changing the way I saw things the more I lived in Rome. The people were spontaneous and offered friendship easily, something I was not accustomed to abroad. They lived each day as it were the last, not worrying about the future which was great at the time because I was young. I was so fascinated by their enthusiasm to enjoy life that I forgot about all else.

I have now been in Rome nearly thirty years and still feel the fascination toward the Eternal City but see it differently, with open eyes which was something I didn’t do when I was young. Don’t get me wrong, it is still a great city but it has changed so much over the years that it is great for tourists but not for the population. The way of life in Italy has decreased considerably over the years and now it is a time that youth must decide whether to stay and ride the wave or leave to find opportunity.

I wish the young generation all the best in the hopes of finding a job in Italy but at the same time, I wish them the courage to pick up and leave, giving them the opportunity to do better elsewhere. Life is about changes and it is at the end of one’s live that we understand how important our decisions and the changes we made in life have brought us where we are today.

All the best,

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