Friday, 1 June 2018

Meghan’s dogs 🐶

Dear friends,

I’m a huge fan of the British Royal family and I watched the movie of Prince Harry and Meghan - how could I not, being such a romantic at heart. The story showed how the couple came together in a modern life fairytale - as it truly is. I loved it and believe there is a greater love between them than anybody can comprehend. Love isn’t only about saying the words “I love you”, but it goes much deeper when a person finds the one that he/she was meant to be with - the person that can tame your deepest demons and help you overcome whatever sadness/fear you may have inside by a simple touch or glance.

I'm a romance writer and I write about rich and influential men who are constantly in the public eye, who don't have a perfect life, who have the same fears and demons inside as all of us. I've always believed it to be the most romantic occurrence in life to find the person who understands your soul, but up until now, it was a fairytale in my head for the purpose of writing romance novels to give people a little solace in time of need. The revelation that this kind of love really exists and is found in the British Royal family has knocked me over because it is truly worth celebrating. I wish the couple all the happiness in the world because they really deserve it.

I have somehow strayed from my post because I am a hopeless romantic and the reason I started this post was because I am an animal lover. I have a beautiful dog who is part of the family. She listens to my daughters when they study for an exam and we love her to bits. We couldn’t imagine life without  her.

When I watched the movie about the Royal couple, the one question I was left with at the end of the movie wasn't where will they go on their honeymoon or what designer dress will she wear at the next event, but what happened to Meghan’s two doggies?

I would love to know, if anybody out there finds out, if she was able to take them along with her to Britain. Can you imagine Maghan walking her doggies on the grounds of Kensignton Palace? It would be true happiness.


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